The documentary film “Transit Point” created by Oleksey Bida, as well as the guidance recommendations collected by Olga Platonova for conducting a media lesson for the […]
The second and the last training module in strategies of prevention and reduction of discrimination caused by conflicts has took place from December to December 4, […]
The historical context is very important to explain the common factors that are shared by our society. The formation of negative common factors and appearance of […]
The training room is filled with drawings and photographs, presentations and various strategies of activities aimed at weakening the conflict in Ukraine. During the week-long training […]
Specialists from the government structures, teachers, doctors are exactly those who usually contact with the temporarily displaced persons (hereinafter referred to as IDPs) upon their arrival […]
The grant project competition on “Strategies for preventing and overcoming discrimination caused by military conflict” has been completed. Five projects have been selected following the results […]