Project materials

Working with war-inducted trauma

In the previous project 2015-2016 to support the war traumas we have published two motivating brochures to get motivation to seek trauma therapy support for internally displaced persons and combatants in hostilities in the Eastern Ukraine.

These brochures are issued on individual basis for internally displaced persons: “Start living anew” and for former combatants “I make it”. They contain symptoms of post-traumatic disorder when you should contact a psychologist and explain the risk of uncured traumas.

Psychological Motivation Brochure for War Victims

Brochure in Word format (you can add specific addresses and contact information about doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists in the desired city or region):

Psychological motivation brochure for demobilized combatants

Brochure in Word format (you can add specific addresses and contact information about doctors, psychologists and psychotherapists in the desired city or region):

Dialogue facilitation and peacebuilding through forum theatre

Methodological guidebook on the topic: «Forum theater as a way to settle and prevent the conflicts»

More details:

Forum theater as a way to settle and prevent the conflicts

Counteracting conflict-related discrimination

Methodological guidebook on the topic: «Anti-discrimination work in conflict-affected regions» (in Russian, Ukrainian and English)

More details:

Антидискриминационная работа в регионах, затронутых конфликтом

Антидискримінаційна робота в регіонах, охоплених конфліктом

Anti-discrimination work in conflict-affected regions

Integration of internally displaced persons and refugees

Four-language information brochure on the topic: "Successful integration practices of IDP and refugees in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia and Russia (North Caucasus)"

More details:

Успешные практики по интеграции ВПЛ и беженцев в Украине, Грузии, Армении, России (Северный Кавказ)

The Russian PDF Version

Успішні практики щодо інтеграції ВПО і біженців України, Грузії, Вірменії, Росії (Північний Кавказ)

The Ukrainian PDF Version

ერთად იძულებით გადაადგილებულ პირთა და ლტოლვილთა ინტეგრაციის წარმატებული პრაქტიკა უკრაინაში, საქართველოში, სომხეთში, რუსეთში (ჩრდილოეთ კავკასია)

Նտա և փախստականների ինտեգրման հաջողված փորձը Ուկրաինայում Վրաստանում Հայաստանում Ռուսաստանում (Հյուսիսային Կովկասում)

The Armenian PDF Version