The documentary film “Transit Point” created by Oleksey Bida, as well as the guidance recommendations collected by Olga Platonova for conducting a media lesson for the anti-discrimination activity are now available on our project site. Both the film and the recommendations were prepared within the sub-granted project “Spiral of History” which was jointly implemented by Oleksey and Olga under the financial and patronizing support within our educational training course “Strategies for preventing and overcoming discrimination caused by military conflict”.
“Transit Point” brings up a concern of stereotypes and discrimination caused by the war in Eastern Ukraine and reminds the audience of the cyclical nature of historical events. This is a story about the Lemka ethnic community which was deported from Western Ukraine to Peremozhnoe village, Luhansk Oblast. In 945, the Lemkos were removed from their villages near the Tatras to the East of Ukraine. In 204, as a result of military actions, this ethnic community had to leave their homes again and “return” to Western Ukraine to start living anew. Three heroes of the film tell us about the fate of the Lemkos time and again discriminated because of the involuntary resettlement. The film title symbolically reflects the current situation in the East of Ukraine since hundreds of thousands of people had to leave their homes in seeking for asylum because of military operations. The house of the main characters in the Luhansk Oblast turned out to be Transit Point where from they again returned to their historical homeland.
We remind you that civil society volunteers whose actions are aimed at protecting the rights of the people who are suffering from military operations in the East of Ukraine can use this film as well as guidelines for conducting a media lesson during their anti-discrimination activity.
You can watch the film and download the attached guidance recommendations how to conduct a media lesson for the anti-discrimination activity on its basis here.